# Config quick-open alias bashrc="vim ~/.bashrc" alias aliasrc="vim ~/.aliasrc" alias vimrc="vim ~/.vimrc" # Navigation alias ..="cd .." alias .2="cd ../.." alias .3="cd ../../.." # Colorize output alias ls="ls --color=auto" alias grep="grep --color=auto" alias ip="ip --color" # Listing alias l="ls -1p" alias ll="ls -lhp" alias lt="ls -lhtp" alias la="ls -lhap" alias lta="ls -lhatp" alias ldir="ls -dp" # list directories # Safety alias rm="rm -I --preserve-root" alias mv="mv -iv" alias cp="cp -iv" alias ln="ln -i" alias mkdir="mkdir -pv" alias chown="chown --preserve-root" alias chmod="chmod --preserve-root" alias chgrp="chgrp --preserve-root" # Clipboard alias clip="xclip -sel clip" alias srclip="clip -o | speedread -w 500" # Other alias cfg="/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/home/h/.cfg/ --work-tree=/home/h" alias df="df -kTh" alias fzfpac="pacman -Slq | fzf -m --preview 'pacman -Si {1}' | xargs -ro sudo pacman -S" alias o="xdg-open" alias path="echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}" # Pretty print path variables alias wiki="vim +WikiIndex" # Programs alias feh="feh -B black --scale-down --auto-zoom" alias fm='pcmanfm' alias g='git' alias lm='xbacklight -set' alias py='python' alias r5rs-repl='plt-r5rs --no-prim' alias vi='vim' alias xopp="xournalpp $1 &>/dev/null" alias xev='xev | grep -A2 ButtonPress' # Ignore mouse movements reboot_to_windows () { # Check if grub is installed by checking if the command exists, if it does # not, then assume that the system is using systemd-boot if grub-install --version &>/dev/null; then windows_title=$(grep -i windows /boot/grub/grub.cfg | cut -d "'" -f 2) sudo grub-reboot "$windows_title" echo "Grub set to reboot to Windows" else sudo bootctl set-oneshot windows.conf echo "Systemd set to reboot to Windows" fi } alias reboot-to-windows='reboot_to_windows'