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2 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
620a5863a3 | |
227944b184 |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
nn <c-p> :FZF<cr>
nn <leader>p :FZF<cr>
nn <leader>b :Buffers<cr>
nn <leader>h :History<cr>
let g:fzf_action = {
\ 'ctrl-t': 'tab split',
\ 'ctrl-s': 'split',
\ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit'
" Insert path completion
" ino <expr><c-f> fzf#vim#complete#path('ag -l -g *.md')
" ino <c-f> <plug>(fzf-complete-file-ag)
ino <expr><c-f> fzf#vim#complete#path("ag -l -g '' \| sed -e 's/\.md$//'")
" Use `the_silver_searcher` to find results (for selection if selection)
nn <leader>f :Ag<cr>
vm <leader>f :Ag <C-r>"<cr>
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
let g:qs_max_chars=80
let g:qs_lazy_highlight = 1
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
let g:taskwiki_taskrc_location='/home/h/.config/task/taskrc'
let g:taskwiki_disable_concealcursor=1
let g:taskwiki_dont_preserve_folds=1
let g:taskwiki_dont_fold=1
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
xm <leader>c <plug>Commentary
nm <leader>c <plug>Commentary
nm <leader>cc <plug>CommentaryLine
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
let g:javascript_plugin_jsdoc = 1 " jsdoc syntax highlighting
let g:javascript_plugin_flow = 1 " flow syntax highlighting
let g:javascript_conceal_function = "ƒ"
let g:javascript_conceal_return = "⇖"
let g:svelte_indent_script = 0
let g:svelte_indent_style = 0
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
" Tidalcycles (sclang and vim-tidal)
let g:tidal_default_config = {"socket_name": "default", "target_pane": "tidal:1.1"}
let g:tidal_no_mappings = 1
au FileType tidal nm <buffer> <leader>ep <Plug>TidalParagraphSend
au FileType tidal nm <buffer> <leader>ee <Plug>TidalLineSend
au FileType tidal nnoremap <buffer> <leader>h :TidalHush<cr>
au FileType tidal com! -nargs=1 S :TidalSilence <args>
au FileType tidal com! -nargs=1 P :TidalPlay <args>
au FileType tidal com! -nargs=0 H :TidalHush
" SuperCollider
au BufEnter,BufWinEnter,BufNewFile,BufRead *.sc,*.scd se filetype=supercollider
au Filetype supercollider packadd scvim
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
let g:vimtex_view_method='zathura'
let g:tex_flavor='latex'
let g:tex_conceal='abdmgs'
let g:vimtex_quickfix_mode=0
@ -0,0 +1 @@
set mps+==:;
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
" General config {{{
" Tip: acronyms for overview, use `:h` for a quick lookup.
set nocp " Disable vi incompatibility
filetype plugin indent on " Filetype recognition
set enc=utf8 " Default to UTF-8 encoding
set hid " Allow hiding unsaved buffers
set tf " Fast tty
set ut=300 " 300ms for update time
set to tm=200 ttm=5 " Timeouts
set shm+=c " ...
set ul=500 hi=500 " History and undo
set nu rnu scl=number " Line numbers & signs
set nowrap
set bs=indent,eol,start " Indentation
set ai ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et " Indentation
set is ic scs hls " Search
set lz " Only essential redraws
set nobk nowb noswf " No backups
set vi='20,\"101 " Max 100 lines in registers
set novb " Bell
set cole=0 cocu="" " Conceal
set cb=unnamedplus " Clipboard
set fcs+=vert:│ " Cleaner split separator (tmux style)
set list
set lcs=trail:·,tab:→\ ,nbsp:␣ " Whitespace rendering
set ar " Autoread
set spellsuggest+=5 " Limit spell suggestions
set wildignore+=*/node_modules/*,*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip
set thesaurus+=~/.vim/thesaurus/mthesaur.txt
" }}}
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
set termguicolors
set bg=light
hi Normal ctermbg=none guibg=NONE
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
" Leader keys
let mapleader = " "
let maplocalleader = ";"
" Splits & navigation
nm s <c-w> " Split horizontal
nm ss :sp<CR><c-w>w| " Split horizontal
nm sv :vs<CR><c-w>w| " Split vertical
nn sw <c-w>w| " Navigate splits
nn sh <c-w>h| "
nn sj <c-w>j| "
nn sk <c-w>k| "
nn sl <c-w>l| "
nn sH <c-w>8<| " Resize splits
nn sJ <c-w>8-| "
nn sK <c-w>8+| "
nn sL <c-w>8>| "
nn s= <c-w>=| " Equalize splits
" Open
nn sb :Lex<cr>| " File tree
nn <leader><leader> :noh<cr> |"
nn <leader>t :term<cr>| " Open terminal
" Remaps
ino <nowait> jj <esc>| " Normal now
nn <left> <nop>| " Hard mode
nn <down> <nop>| " "
nn <up> <nop>| " "
nn <right> <nop>| " "
ino <left> <nop>| " "
ino <down> <nop>| " "
ino <up> <nop>| " "
ino <right> <nop>| " "
" Search
nn <c-_> :noh<cr>| " map 'ctrl + /'
" Line numbers
nn <leader>n :set nu! rnu!<cr>
" Vim configuration
nn <leader>ec :vs $MYVIMRC<cr>
nn <leader>so :so %<cr>
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
" Plugins {{{
" Plug setup {{{
call plug#begin()
Plug 'unblevable/quick-scope'
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
Plug 'tpope/vim-obsession'
Plug 'machakann/vim-sandwich'
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
Plug 'github/copilot.vim'
Plug 'Shougo/context_filetype.vim'
Plug 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'
Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
Plug 'chrisbra/unicode.vim'
Plug 'ap/vim-css-color'
" Fzf
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
" JS and TypeScript
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript', { 'for': ['javascript', 'javascript.jsx'] }
Plug 'leafgarland/typescript-vim', { 'for': ['typescript', 'typescript.tsx'] }
Plug 'peitalin/vim-jsx-typescript', { 'for': ['typescript.tsx'] }
Plug 'evanleck/vim-svelte', {'branch': 'main'}
" JSON with comments
Plug 'neoclide/jsonc.vim'
" Jupyter
Plug 'quarto-dev/quarto-vim'
" LaTeX
Plug 'lervag/vimtex'
" Wiki
Plug 'lervag/wiki.vim'
Plug 'hektor/taskwiki'
" Markdown
Plug 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc'
Plug 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax'
Plug 'ferrine/md-img-paste.vim'
" TidalCycles
Plug 'supercollider/scvim'
Plug 'tidalcycles/vim-tidal'
Plug 'tikhomirov/vim-glsl'
Plug 'timtro/glslView-nvim'
" Jupyter notebooks
Plug 'goerz/jupytext.vim'
" OpenSCAD
Plug 'sirtaj/vim-openscad'
call plug#end()
" }}}
@ -1,245 +1,7 @@
" General config {{{
" Tip: acronyms for overview, use `:h` for a quick lookup.
source .vim/init/base.vim
source .vim/init/mappings.vim
set nocp " Disable vi incompatibility
filetype plugin indent on " Filetype recognition
set enc=utf8 " Default to UTF-8 encoding
set hid " Allow hiding unsaved buffers
set tf " Fast tty
set ut=300 " 300ms for update time
set to tm=200 ttm=5 " Timeouts
set shm+=c " ...
set ul=500 hi=500 " History and undo
set nu rnu scl=number " Line numbers & signs
set nowrap
set bs=indent,eol,start " Indentation
set ai ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et " Indentation
set is ic scs hls " Search
set lz " Only essential redraws
set nobk nowb noswf " No backups
set vi='20,\"101 " Max 100 lines in registers
set novb " Bell
set cole=0 cocu="" " Conceal
set cb=unnamedplus " Clipboard
set fcs+=vert:│ " Cleaner split separator (tmux style)
set list
set lcs=trail:·,tab:→\ ,nbsp:␣ " Whitespace rendering
set ar " Autoread
set spellsuggest+=5 " Limit spell suggestions
set wildignore+=*/node_modules/*,*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip
set thesaurus+=~/.vim/thesaurus/mthesaur.txt
" }}}
" Colorscheme {{{
set termguicolors
set bg=light
hi Normal ctermbg=none guibg=NONE
" }}}
" Mappings {{{
" Leader keys
nn <space><nop>
let mapleader = " "
let maplocalleader = ";"
" Splits & navigation
nm s <c-w> " Split horizontal
nm ss :sp<CR><c-w>w| " Split horizontal
nm sv :vs<CR><c-w>w| " Split vertical
nn sw <c-w>w| " Navigate splits
nn sh <c-w>h| "
nn sj <c-w>j| "
nn sk <c-w>k| "
nn sl <c-w>l| "
nn sH <c-w>8<| " Resize splits
nn sJ <c-w>8-| "
nn sK <c-w>8+| "
nn sL <c-w>8>| "
nn s= <c-w>=| " Equalize splits
" Open
nn sb :Lex<cr>| " File tree
nn <leader><leader> :noh<cr> |"
nn <leader>t :term<cr>| " Open terminal
" Remaps
ino <nowait> jj <esc>| " Normal now
nn <left> <nop>| " Hard mode
nn <down> <nop>| " "
nn <up> <nop>| " "
nn <right> <nop>| " "
ino <left> <nop>| " "
ino <down> <nop>| " "
ino <up> <nop>| " "
ino <right> <nop>| " "
" Search
nn <c-_> :noh<cr>| " map 'ctrl + /'
" Toggle line numbers
nn <leader>n :set nu! rnu!<cr>
" Vim configuration
nn <leader>ec :vs $MYVIMRC<cr>
nn <leader>so :so %<cr>
" }}}
" Plugins {{{
" Plug setup {{{
call plug#begin()
if !exists('g:vscode')
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
Plug 'github/copilot.vim'
source .vim/init/plugins.vim
source .vim/init/colors.vim
" General
Plug 'unblevable/quick-scope'
Plug 'Shougo/context_filetype.vim'
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
Plug 'tpope/vim-obsession'
Plug 'machakann/vim-sandwich'
Plug 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'
Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
Plug 'chrisbra/unicode.vim'
Plug 'ap/vim-css-color'
" Fzf
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
" JS and TypeScript
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript', { 'for': ['javascript', 'javascript.jsx'] }
Plug 'leafgarland/typescript-vim', { 'for': ['typescript', 'typescript.tsx'] }
Plug 'peitalin/vim-jsx-typescript', { 'for': ['typescript.tsx'] }
Plug 'evanleck/vim-svelte', {'branch': 'main'}
" JSON with comments
Plug 'neoclide/jsonc.vim'
" Jupyter
Plug 'quarto-dev/quarto-vim'
" LaTeX
Plug 'lervag/vimtex'
" Wiki
Plug 'lervag/wiki.vim'
Plug 'hektor/taskwiki'
" Markdown
Plug 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc'
Plug 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax'
Plug 'ferrine/md-img-paste.vim'
" TidalCycles
Plug 'supercollider/scvim'
Plug 'tidalcycles/vim-tidal'
Plug 'tikhomirov/vim-glsl'
Plug 'timtro/glslView-nvim'
" Jupyter notebooks
Plug 'goerz/jupytext.vim'
" OpenSCAD
Plug 'sirtaj/vim-openscad'
call plug#end()
" }}}
" Plugin config {{{
" }}}
" `.../vimtex` {{{
let g:vimtex_view_method='zathura'
let g:tex_flavor='latex'
let g:tex_conceal='abdmgs'
let g:vimtex_quickfix_mode=0
" }}}
" `junegunn/fzf` {{{
" `junegunn/fzf.vim`
nn <c-p> :FZF<cr>
nn <leader>p :FZF<cr>
nn <leader>b :Buffers<cr>
nn <leader>h :History<cr>
let g:fzf_action = {
\ 'ctrl-t': 'tab split',
\ 'ctrl-s': 'split',
\ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit'
" Insert path completion
" ino <expr><c-f> fzf#vim#complete#path('ag -l -g *.md')
" ino <c-f> <plug>(fzf-complete-file-ag)
ino <expr><c-f> fzf#vim#complete#path("ag -l -g '' \| sed -e 's/\.md$//'")
" Use `the_silver_searcher` to find results (for selection if selection)
nn <leader>f :Ag<cr>
vm <leader>f :Ag <C-r>"<cr>
" }}}
" }}}
" `tools-life/taskwiki` {{{
let g:taskwiki_taskrc_location='/home/h/.config/task/taskrc'
let g:taskwiki_disable_concealcursor=1
let g:taskwiki_dont_preserve_folds=1
let g:taskwiki_dont_fold=1
" }}}
" `pangloss/vim-javascript` {{{
let g:javascript_plugin_jsdoc = 1 " jsdoc syntax highlighting
let g:javascript_plugin_flow = 1 " flow syntax highlighting
let g:javascript_conceal_function = "ƒ"
let g:javascript_conceal_return = "⇖"
let g:svelte_indent_script = 0
let g:svelte_indent_style = 0
" }}}
" `.../quickscope` {{{
let g:qs_max_chars=80
let g:qs_lazy_highlight = 1
" }}}
" Tidalcycles (sclang and vim-tidal)
let g:tidal_default_config = {"socket_name": "default", "target_pane": "tidal:1.1"}
let g:tidal_no_mappings = 1
au FileType tidal nm <buffer> <leader>ep <Plug>TidalParagraphSend
au FileType tidal nm <buffer> <leader>ee <Plug>TidalLineSend
au FileType tidal nnoremap <buffer> <leader>h :TidalHush<cr>
au FileType tidal com! -nargs=1 S :TidalSilence <args>
au FileType tidal com! -nargs=1 P :TidalPlay <args>
au FileType tidal com! -nargs=0 H :TidalHush
" SuperCollider
au BufEnter,BufWinEnter,BufNewFile,BufRead *.sc,*.scd se filetype=supercollider
au Filetype supercollider packadd scvim
" }}}
" }}}
" Quick hacks {{{
" TODO: separate to filetype specific files
" JS
" Jump between `=` and `;`
au FileType javascript set mps+==:;
highlight QuickScopeSecondary cterm=underline
highlight QuickScopePrimary ctermbg=253 ctermfg=232 cterm=none
highlight Pmenu ctermfg=232
Reference in New Issue