Remove sketch (or wacom) scripts

Hektor Misplon 2025-01-02 21:32:52 +01:00
parent d4ba22670a
commit e9ad41f94f
3 changed files with 0 additions and 137 deletions

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Find and open Xournal sketch
selected=$(ls ~/sketches/*.xopp | fzf)
xournalpp "$selected" &

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@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Note: this script gets called from $HOME/.config/autorandr/docked/postswitch,
# default drawing area on 4K monitor
# Centered draw area:
# x_offset = screen_width/2 - draw_width/2
# y_offset = screen_height/2 - draw_height/2
# Drawing area
# TODO: w,h,x,y parameters w/ these defaults
# call script from autorandr with corresponding parameters.
# Get screen resolution (TODO: test external monitor)
resolution=$(xrandr --current | grep "connected primary" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/x/ /g' | sed 's/+[0-9]//g')
screen_w=$(echo "$resolution" | awk '{print $1}')
screen_h=$(echo "$resolution" | awk '{print $2}')
w=1920 # Width
h=1080 # Height
x="$((screen_w - 1920))" # Horizontal offset
y="$((screen_h - 1080))" # Vertical offset
orientation="landscape" # Portrait/landscape
# Get rotation setting
rotate=`[[ "$orientation" == "landscape" ]] && echo "half" || echo "ccw"`
# Wacom tablet
# Right bottom
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" rotate "$rotate"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Finger touch" rotate "$rotate"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen eraser" rotate "$rotate"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen cursor" rotate "$rotate"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" rotate "$rotate"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" MapToOutput "$w"x"$h"+"$x"+"$y"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Finger touch" MapToOutput "$w"x"$h"+"$x"+"$y"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen eraser" MapToOutput "$w"x"$h"+"$x"+"$y"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen cursor" MapToOutput "$w"x"$h"+"$x"+"$y"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" MapToOutput "$w"x"$h"+"$x"+"$y"
# Centered
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" MapToOutput 1920x1080+"$(w/2)"+"$(h/2)"
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Finger touch" MapToOutput 1920x1080+"$(w/2)"+"$(h/2)"
# xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen stylus" MapToOutput 1920x1080+"$(w/2)"+"$(h/2)"
# xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Finger touch" MapToOutput 1920x1080+"$(w/2)"+"$(h/2)"
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen eraser" MapToOutput 1920x1080+"$(w/2)"+"$(h/2)"
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen cursor" MapToOutput 1920x1080+"$(w/2)"+"$(h/2)"
# xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen eraser" MapToOutput 1920x1080+"$(w/2)"+"$(h/2)"
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" MapToOutput 1920x1080+"$(w/2)"+"$(h/2)"
# # Rotate drawing are for vertical drawing
# # (physical controls above drawing area)
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" rotate ccw
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Finger touch" rotate ccw
# xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen stylus" rotate ccw
# xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Finger touch" rotate ccw
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen eraser" rotate ccw
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen cursor" rotate ccw
# xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen eraser" rotate ccw
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" rotate ccw
# # Set drawing area to left side on 3840x2160 monitor
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" MapToOutput 1080x1920+130+130
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Finger touch" MapToOutput 1080x1920+130+130
# xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen stylus" MapToOutput 1080x1920+130+130
# xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Finger touch" MapToOutput 1080x1920+130+130
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen eraser" MapToOutput 1080x1920+130+130
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen cursor" MapToOutput 1080x1920+130+130
# xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen eraser" MapToOutput 1080x1920+130+130
# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus" MapToOutput 1080x1920+130+130
# Laptop touch display
xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen stylus" rotate none
xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Finger touch" rotate none
xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen eraser" rotate none
xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen eraser" MapToOutput 1920x1080+0+0
xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Pen stylus" MapToOutput 1920x1080+0+0
xsetwacom set "Wacom HID 5214 Finger touch" MapToOutput 1920x1080+0+0
xsetwacom --set "Wacom Intuos Pro M Finger touch" TOUCH off

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Open xournal in wacom drawing area
# xdotool key "Super_L+f"
function start_xournal() {
# Prevent multiple xournalpp instances
if pgrep -x "xournalpp" > /dev/null
echo "Xournal is already running"
xournalpp &
function resize_xournal() {
# Resize xournalpp window to draw area
sleep 1
xournal_id=$(xdotool search --onlyvisible --name xournal)
# FIXME: Automate for different resolutions
# Bottom centered
# xdotool windowsize "$xournal_id" 1920 1080
# xdotool windowmove "$xournal_id" 1920 1080
# Centered
xdotool windowsize "$xournal_id" 1920 1080
xdotool windowmove "$xournal_id" 960 540
# Vertical
# xournal_id=$(xdotool search --onlyvisible --name xournal)
# xdotool windowsize "$xournal_id" 1080 1920
# xdotool windowmove "$xournal_id" 130 540