Add cloze helpers

Hektor Misplon 2022-08-16 15:23:18 +02:00
parent 79fdb93a63
commit e547d0c01e
1 changed files with 22 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
" Anki helper functions
" Convert cloze note to regular text
" * `AnkiRemoveAllClozes` all cloze notes in file
" * `AnkiRemoveSelectedClozes` all clozes in selected range
" E.g.
" ```markdown
" Cloze
" In this sentence {{c1::this word}} was closed.
" ```
" ```markdown
" In this sentence this word was closed.
" ```
au FileType pandoc com! -range AnkiRemoveAllClozes :%s/{{c\d\+:://ge | :%s/}}//ge | :%s/START\nCloze\n//ge | :%s/END\n//ge
au FileType pandoc com! -range AnkiRemoveSelectedClozes :%s/\%V{{c\d\+:://ge | :%s/\%V}}//ge | :%s/\%VSTART\nCloze\n//ge | :%s/\%VEND\n//ge