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2023-05-29 20:22:40 +02:00
if !exists("g:did_coc_loaded") | echo "`coc.nvim` not loaded (not configuring)" | finish | endif
let g:coc_global_extensions = [
" Autocomplete
" `coc-snippets`
" TODO: is this block even necessary anymore?
" I use `coc-snippets-exand-jump` here as it is more flexible afaics
" As stated in the docs:
" `coc-snippets-expand` Expand snippet w/ current inserted text
" `coc-snippets-expand-jump` Expand snippet or jump to next placeholder of current snippet if possible
" Use tab for expansion in every context Don't use it for jumping as
" expansions have priority over jumping (which is not always what you want)
" E.g. You don't want to expand `time` to say `12:05` upon `<tab>`bing to go
" from arguments to body in a function snippet
inor <silent><expr> <TAB>
\ coc#pum#visible() ? coc#_select_confirm() :
\ coc#expandable() ? "\<C-r>=coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['snippets-expand-jump',''])\<CR>" :
\ "\<TAB>"
" Use <c-j> and <c-k> to move through suggestions
" Open suggestions if not yet open
" inor <silent><expr> <c-j> coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#next(1) : coc#refresh()
inor <silent><expr> <c-space> coc#refresh()
inor <silent><expr> <c-j> coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#next(1) : coc#refresh()
" NOTE: As the followning interfered with digraphs, I replaced `coc#refresh`
" with `"\<C-g>u\<c-k>"` which afaik just does c-k when no completion menu is
" shown
" ```
" inor <silent><expr> <c-k> coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#prev(1) : coc#refresh()
" ```
inor <silent><expr> <c-k> coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#prev(1) : "\<C-g>u\<c-k>"
" NOTE: this is cutting text in visual mode, it is replaces `$VISUAL` on next
" expansion
" although I mapped it, I have yet to test this feature
vmap <tab> <plug>(coc-snippets-select)
ino <expr><cr> complete_info()["selected"] != "-1" ? "\<c-y>" : "\<c-g>u\<CR>"
" Show doccumentation
fu! s:show_documentation()
if (index(['vim','help'], &filetype) >= 0)
execute 'h '.expand('')
call CocAction('doHover')
nn <leader>es :CocCommand snippets.editSnippets<cr>
" Code action on cursor position
nm <leader>do <plug>(coc-codeaction)
" Commands
com! -nargs=0 Prettier :CocCommand prettier.formatFile